Gratitude begets generosity.
Over the course of this past year, we have been on the receiving end of the generous support of people that helped get this ministry launched.
In our gratitude, we have prayerfully decided to create a resource fund for pastors, missionaries, and their spouses to have better access to mental health care called “The Shalem Fund”. (“Shalem” is the Hebrew word for “whole” or “wholeness”). The fund will be used to subsidize anywhere from 5-10 sessions of counseling with a trusted Christian mental health professional. We are also working to partner with such Christian therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists who are not only skilled in what they do but also have a heart to serve people in full-time vocational ministry.
So why are we doing this? As we met with pastors, missionaries, and their spouses over the past few months, we clearly saw that some of them had needs that could not be addressed by shepherding or spiritual care alone. For example, some of the clergy couples we met with were in need of marriage counseling. Others had specific individual needs that could be better addressed by a mental health professional.
At B&C, we believe that caring for the mind (the seedbed of our thoughts/emotions) and key relationships are an essential part of good soul care. That is why our desire is to make it easier for pastors, missionaries, and their spouses to have better access to key resources like marriage counseling and private therapy.
In conjunction with Giving Tuesday, we are launching a matching campaign to begin seeding for the Shalem Fund. For every dollar that is donated, Barnabas & Co. will match up to $5000. And of course, as 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all of your charitable gifts and donations are tax-deductible. Our goal is to raise $10,000 or more by the end of the year and have this resource fund available for pastors and missionary couples starting in 2022.